VR Dragon Tower VR

Company: DNA VR

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

1 review


18 Arches Ln, Nine Elms, London SW11 8AB ()

020 4503 9805

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Fan of fantasy worlds? Uncover the mysteries behind the old alchemist's lab and fight off a real (well virtual) Dragon in this free-roaming VR Escape room! Enjoy the unprecedented level of immersion: walk around the room (up to 4 people) and use your logic and teamwork to succeed. Don't expect this to be an easy task. The clock is ticking and the challenge you're about to face is very real. DNA VR Premium Free Roaming: The most immersive package, offering unparalleled immersion without being restricted by wires or boundaries. Perfect for dates, thrill-seekers, and adventurous groups.

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