Escape game Venus

Company: Paradox Parlours Escape Rooms

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


Jeffries Passage Guildford GU1 4AP ()

+44 1483 567607

From North Street, Jeffries passage is just past the Library on the right as you walk uphill. From the top of the high street (near Sainsburys), Jeffries Passage is next to Jacks of London on the left side as you walk uphill.

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With the recent rapid increase in the capabilities of artificial intelligence most homes have adopted some helpful AI to assist in tasks around the home.

venus represents the latest in home assistance technology and is the first product that claims to have been created with a human-like personality to help integrate venus into your family.

Reports have recently been coming in of some bugs in the venus system. As part of the tech team, can you investigate?

venus. always on. always listening. always there.
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