Outdoor Magic Portal

Company: Escape Hunt

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

1 review


Westgate Centre, Oxford, OX1 1TR ()


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Step back in time to a world of mystical trolls and mythical beasts, separated from mankind via a series of magic portals, each guarded by a trusted goblin Gate Keeper.

Rumour has it that one of the portals in Oxford has broken, after the Gate Keeper fell into a deep sleep. Mystical creatures have escaped and are roaming the streets, wreaking havoc and getting up to no good.

According to an ancient legend, the power of three magic crystals is the only thing strong enough to fix a broken portal.

You have 120 minutes to roam the streets of Oxford, find the crystals, close the portal and save the world from destruction. Humanity is depending on you.


An outdoor game.

Once you arrive for your mission you will be set up with an iPad and action pack. After the safety briefing you will be given your assignment and the clock begins.

Please note that this outdoor game takes you on approximately a 2km walk, so we advise wearing comfortable footwear. At least one person in your team will also need access to a smartphone with access to the internet and a camera – things no undercover agent should be without!

Don’t forget, after 120 minutes it’s game over. You’ll then head back to HQ for a debrief in our premium lounge.

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