Escape game Revenge of the Sheep

Company: clueQuest

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clueQuest Ltd. 169-171 Caledonian Road London, N1 0SL ()

+44 7798 772 382

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At the same location

Квест Operation BlackSheep

Operation BlackSheep


Rating: (4 reviews)



Rating: (4 reviews)
Квест PLAN52



Rating: (4 reviews)


Professor BlackSheep is back again to destroy mankind as we know it by turning us all into complacent sheep! And this time he is not alone - he’s got an evil side-kick and together they have built a dangerous device: the SheepMutator. Mr Q discovered that the new technology used by the Professor poses a serious threat: by mutating the human genome, the SheepMutator can turn anyone who is in the range of its evil rays into a placid sheep! To make matters worse, the Professor has managed to set up several such devices in key locations around the planet - and one of them is right here, in London! Agents, you will have 60 Minutes to locate and find a way to deactivate these devices before they go online and it’s too late for mankind!

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