Escape game Horrible Histories Mystery Museum

Company: Escape Live

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ONE, 3 College Ln, Liverpool L1 3DS ()

+44 1513 185800

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Here is a place of miserable moments, mischievous murderers, and menacing monarchs… well, it will be once you’ve filled it with exhibits.

Visiting three distinct time periods, Rotten Romans, Terrifying Tudors and Vile Victorians you and your team are tasked with recovering a horrible artefact from each. With less than an hour until the grand opening, there’s not a moment to spare!

Are you up to the task? Of course you are! It’s time to forget about the fluffy stuff your teacher told you… today is all about the horrible parts of history!

This is the world’s first and only Horrible Histories Escape Room, exclusively at Escape Live Liverpool.

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