Escape game Doctor Who. Worlds Collide[Closed]

Company: Escape Hunt


The Light the Headrow Leeds LS1 8TL ()

+44 113 243 2222

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Step into the future. Enter the offices of ChronosCorp HQ, where eccentric billionaire Alastair Montague’s efforts to develop commercial time travel have caused a tear in the fabric of space and time. The Cybermen are ready to take advantage and attack Earth.

You, the Doctor’s friends, must investigate the incident. The remains of Montague, his prototype time engine and the extensive collection of time-related artefacts acquired over the course of his experiments, are all that you have to work with.

In just 60 minutes the Cybermen will break through. The fate of the universe is in your hands. Take too long and the human race will be “upgraded”.

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