Escape game The Curse of Senutep

Company: Exitus Escape Rooms

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

5+ reviews


90a Queen St, Cardiff CF10 2GR ()

029 2240 6151

between Specsavers and Card Factory

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Rating: (5+ reviews)


Your great grandfather, Thor Heyerdahl, disappeared decades ago while researching the lost pharaoh Senutep. After years of carefully studying his notes, you have determined the location of the ruined Temple of Senutep and you believe that is where you will find out what happened to Thor.

The mystery is not the only thing that drives you. Thor entering the tomb released a curse. This curse has been following your family through the years. You must solve the mystery of the Pharaoh Senutep, the leader erased from time, in order to survive.

Gather a team of those you trust the most, and put your minds to the test, in The Curse of Senutep.

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