Escape game Tenovus Virus Tinkerers

Company: Exitus Escape Rooms

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

5+ reviews


90a Queen St, Cardiff CF10 2GR ()

029 2240 6151

between Specsavers and Card Factory

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Rating: (5+ reviews)


Dr Alan Parker has been conducting ground-breaking research in the field of fighting cancer. He’s managed to change the DNA of specific viruses and train them to attack cancer cells instead of healthy cells.

Dr Parker is away at a conference. You arrive in the lab and realise the electricity had failed in the cleanroom and the backup battery, which powers the incubator, has been running all weekend. It now has just 60 minutes of energy left, If it runs out of fuel the retrained viruses will deteriorate and fail.

It’s down to you to gain access to the cleanroom and change the backup battery to the incubator before Dr Parker returns from the conference.

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