Escape game Secret of the Tomb

Company: Ipswich Escape Rooms


36 White House Rd Ipswich IP1 5LT ()


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Brent Chadwick had a rough childhood. He grew up in the shadow of his mother, Lucille, who was the founder of the "Church of the Untemptables" (COTU). The COTU was a Christian-fundamentalist church in the eighties that preached: "Resist all temptations, but if you aren't able to resist, you still have the chance of salvation if you punish yourselves equal to the sin you have committed." So no wonder Brent went crazy and, after his mother died, moved to a hidden room – the very room you are about to enter. The only way to escape is to find the urn of Lucille's ashes. If you fail, Brent will arrive home and I wouldn't want to be in your shoes when he does.

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