Escape game A-I-9

Company: Clue HQ

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50-54 Market St Birkenhead CH41 5BT ()

0151 647 7420

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Six months after the great inventor Professor Tepet’s death, M.I.6. gained access to the lab where he kept all of his greatest inventions. Among the files, they found an abandoned document called A-I-9 detailing an artificial intelligence peacekeeping program. Scientists finally managed to recreate the program, rolling it out across the nation. A type of robot (called ‘9bots’) were integrated into society. The NHS could diagnose patients before symptoms appeared while the army neutralised threats before they happened, the country thrived, for a time. 24 hours ago an anomaly appeared in the code shutting down internet and telecommunications worldwide and soon after chaos ensued. A-I-9 is corrupting the system from the inside. This was meant to be impossible. The only way to stop it is to destroy it before it can destroy us – can you get past its self-protection systems?

“The end of the world was always going to be man-made. The only question was how?” – Professor Errol Tepet

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