Escape game Submerged

Company: The Great Escape Game


31 King St Leeds LS1 2HL ()

0330 088 3032

Atlas House

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Sent on a rescue mission, you are submerged deep into unknown territory. No one has heard from the team in days.

You find a vessel floating desolately in the ocean. You enter the unknown to find the surroundings eerily calm. You can’t find a single member of the team, not a person, not even a body. You begin to ask yourself;

What happened here?

Where is the team?

Suddenly, the doors air lock behind you, trapping you in deep water with only 50 minutes left in the oxygen reserve tank.

As lights flash and sirens soar, the intensity of your new surroundings become clear. You must work quickly to power up and communicate your emergency to the surface before your time runs out.


Please Note: room can either be played as a single team (3 – 6 players) or two teams can play against each other (6 – 12 players / 6 max per room). This game does not involve any water!
Please note that “World of Escapes” provides only informational services about the project’s activities and is not the game organizer. The portal does not have the ability to verify the quality of the services provided, and all information about the project is gathered from publicly available sources.

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