Escape game Resurgency[Closed]

Company: The Panic Room


7 Berkley Cres Gravesend DA12 2AH ()

01474 340255

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At the same location


Can you defeat B. Last at his own game? Defuse the bomb, or blow up under pressure!

In 2016, The Panic Room narrowly avoided catastrophe when notorious trickster and bomb-maker Brenden Last placed a live explosive in the room. Thankfully, a team of players were able to solve Last’s puzzles and defuse the bomb, thwarting his devious schemes. So that this never happens again, we’ve started a bomb defusal initiative back where it all started. You are our newest team of recruits to see if you have what it takes to work under pressure. But don’t panic, after all, it’s not a real bomb…!

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