Escape game The Tomb 2

Company: Escape Room Cardiff

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

5+ reviews


119 St Mary St, Cardiff CF10 1DY ()

02921 679 700

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Professor Delores O’Connell and their team of archaeologists welcome you to the dig site as the last team have all mysteriously disappeared! We assume they found some treasure to sell on the black market and ran off. No matter, we are people of science and will persevere!

We are searching for the Mejan Diamond, commonly known as ‘The Serpent Jewel’. We believe it's here, in the Tomb of an ancient pharaoh. We have around 60 minutes before this structure becomes unsound. The team mentioned they gained entrance to a large chamber using an artefact. I’m sure they’ve left it around here somewhere.

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