Escape game Modrophenia

Company: Pier Pressure Brighton Escape Rooms

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

4 reviews


33 Upper North Street, Brighton, BN1 3FG ()

01273 220388

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Modrophenia is a classic murder mystery puzzle hunt with a twist! Players take on the roles of a gang of Mods in 1964 Brighton who are investigating the murder of one of their friends. Puzzles, riddles and discovery will lead them to uncover more and more of the story, but will they find out what happened in time?

This super cool retro game features some of the finest items the 60s has to offer, including a genuine 1963 Vespa and a working 1964 pinball machine. Modrophenia has been designed with larger groups in mind and there is plenty to do so we recommend a minimum team size of four people. But experienced escape room enthusiasts are welcome to take on the challenge in smaller teams, just contact ahead to open up the booking.

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