Escape game Captain Riddle's Forgotten Fortune

Company: Clue HQ

Average Rating:

4.8 / 5

5+ reviews


Arches 20 & 21, Lionel St, Birmingham B3 1AG ()

0333 335 0030

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Captain Riddle was one notorious pirate. Famous for pillaging from land and sea and holding his bounty within a hidden cove. The story has become legend over the years and no one is sure if the treasure even exists anymore.

You and your scallywag crew have commandeered his old ship and are now sailing in search for the gold. Paranoid that others would attempt to follow in his footsteps, he locked everything up, and is said to have not written down the route to the loot. Riddle’s ship is protected, so you won’t have long after you set sail until the company come after you.

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