Escape game Tommy

Company: Unescapable

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


25 Wardwick Derby DE1 1HA ()

01332 470 199

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At the same location

Квест Edith


Rating: (3 reviews)
Квест Alan


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Квест Mary


Rating: (3 reviews)


We need to test that this portal works properly, we’re pretty sure that it does but we just need to be certain! From what we can gather Tommy has landed somewhere in the midst of the Western Front in 1917. There is a very significant chance/the slight possibility that the portal could break when you go through (but it probably won’t don’t worry) If it does though, don’t panic, your team are just going to have to fix the time portal before the bridge collapses and you’re trapped in the past forever.

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