Escape game The Experiments[Closed]

Company: Clue HQ


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+44 330 122 2205

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After being dismissed by the board of medical science for her unorthodox practices, Dr. Psik managed to procure a secluded allotment to continue her work. Under the guise of an increasingly popular ‘Escape Room’ she coerces test subjects to enter chambers to undergo her experiments. Test subjects began to expire from over exertion during the trials – but being as resourceful as she is, Dr. Psik has found a use for all those fresh cadavers. Now the dead live once more as a reminder that no-one can beat The Experiments.
Please note that “World of Escapes” provides only informational services about the project’s activities and is not the game organizer. The portal does not have the ability to verify the quality of the services provided, and all information about the project is gathered from publicly available sources.

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