Escape game Castle Heir[Closed]

Company: Escape Entertainment


Knightsbridge Business Centre Knightsbridge Cheltenham GL51 9TA ()

01242 681235

Escape Entertainment Escape Rooms are located in west Cheltenham, just off the A38. If you are travelling via the M5, the closest exits are junction ten southbound or 11A Northbound.

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The Baron of Boddington Castle has recently passed away. Being a distrusting man, he has left no will stating who will inherit his immensely wealthy estate. All hell has broken out amongst the family, as the serving staff of the Castle, you have been requested to sort things out!

Rumours are circulating amongst the other servants of a strange figure roaming the library. Someone even claimed it to be of the late Baron, yet it didn’t seem to recognise them.

Castle Heir is filled with a great variety of hands-on puzzles requiring a range of skills to complete. With a fun storyline and some funny interactions, you will work alongside the Ghost of the Baron to revisit his lost memories and help him declare the rightful heir to his grand estate.

Are the Baron’s memories lost forever?

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